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Posts Tagged ‘Walk In

Hallowed Halloween’s Heavenly Hierarchy

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Hierarchy !

by Samuel E.Warren Jr.

Hallelujah ! It is October ! I love my birth month. I love my birthday.

I am indebted to The Universe for allowing me to be born into The Real World – The Day Before Halloween – October 30.

My respect for Halloween has evolved through my lifetime.  As a child, it was the candy, “Trick or Treat” night after my birthday.  But, through the years, it does seem as though some feeling or sense of Universal magick flows ever so subtle into life.

I can believe there is a veil between The Real World and other time and space dimensions or realms and Halloween is the day and night that the curtain is thrust aside.

Birthday Bravado

Everyone on the planet should celebrate their birthday.

You are a unique person. Therefore, the day, the hour, and the place you were born is important. Regardless, whether you believe in Fate, Destiny or Freewill, the Universe locked in that information into the Celestial System to make your birth into The Real World unique.

The Universe precise initiation of Your Life into The Real World is the Ultimate Birthday Gift because you go forth from the instant of your birth to bring changes into humankind or you live your life working nine to five.

What is often overlooked is the legions of relatively unknown and unrecognized people who have gone before who made their lifelong contributions to the Universe without ever achieving fame, notoriety and celebrity. Yet, their actions in life have also helped to change the course of history and the progress of Life in the world.

For a moment, forget the world leaders and the celebrities and look at the biography or an obituary of a local citizen because their life long actions have also brought change. We all change the world, whether we are recognized for it or not.

Baby Birthday Banter

There are stories of babies born in taxicabs and in restrooms because supposedly they are early. There are stories of hospitals and doctors having to “induce labor” because an infant supposedly delays birth into the world. All are good stories. Yet, I believe “birth” is one of those events that is always “on time” based on when the forces of the Universe are ready.

I will leave it to other writers and authors to point out the virtues of the other eleven months of the year.

I focus on October.

Autumn Angst

It is easy to understand how someone born in a Spring or Summer month can be optimistic about their birthday because it is the time of year, when people are out and about doing things. Life is on the move.

Autumn can be a depressing time of year. Life tends to slow down. There is less daylight. People seem more receptive to the “daily blahs” of life.

Autumn means a drastic change in the seasons. Spring symbolizes New Beginnings and Birth. Summer symbolizes Optimism, Initiative and being “Out In The Spotlight.”

Autumn symbolizes Transition and the approach of Death. Harvest of crops ends and plants begin to die. Animals shed their summer hair and fur and begin to grow coats for autumn and winter. Winter, of course, symbolizes Death. People forget the Death symbolized by Winter is the beginning of Rebirth.

Being an Autumn Baby is not an easy task. Being an October baby can be depressing; if you let it.

The Infinity Of October

The irony is the Octo from Latin and Greek words refers to the Number Eight; Not the Number Ten.

Julius and Augustus Cesar moved October to the tenth month. Month Number Eight earned the tenth spot in mankind’s history of Calendar shuffles.

October as eight works in the Grand Scheme Of The Universe because eight is the number in some Numerology disciplines that refer to “Infinity.” Knock an eight on it’s side and you end up with a design layout for a child’s toy race track and the symbol of “Infinity,” which is “Forever.”

October The Month Of The Supernatural.”

October is “The Month Of The Supernatural.”

You can talk about ghosts, a white lady, magick, the supernatural, the paranormal, walk ins, golems, Cabala, haints, Santeria, voodoo, invocations, incantations, Extra Sensory Perception, auras, Spirtuality, Spiritism, crystal balls, wands, pentacles, pentagrams, and New Aget topics, in any month, but October and November, and people will assume you are talking about a TV Show, movie or a novel.

Supernatural and paranormal words really aren’t appreciated out of the context of the month of October. October is the month that global civilizations have agreed by practice and tradition through the centuries that it is okay, perhaps, even necessary, to talk about “things that go bump in the night” in October.

October is the month when people are willing to talk about two topics that they seldom, wish to discuss: Fear and Death. Horror flicks set their world premieres on October 1 and before October 31 because “October The Month Of Fear” is the best time for humanity to go to the theater and share the worst fears in public.

Supernatural and paranormal events ignored and shrugged off throughout the year are acknowledged during “October The Month Of Death.” Perhaps, the Universe is sending an “Omen” or a “Sign” that should not be ignored.

Hunger October’s Sentinel

October carries a special month magick. The ancient pagan farmers may not have understood science and the laws of the physical world, but human nature has always understood hunger. If the crops of the Spring and Summer months aren’t put into a root cellar or canned then, Hunger, before Death will arrive.

If the livestock of Spring and Summer has not been cured in the smokehouses then, Hunger, before Death will arrive.

Winter months can be long, dark and an unrelenting cold, in parts of the world that leads the most faithful to cuss therr gods and goddesses. If Hunger is The Uninvited Guest At The Table, then, minutes become days and days seem to last for decades instead of months.

October is The Month When The Veil Between The Worlds Is Open.

October is The Transition Month because Autumn is in place and if people are not prepared for Winter and ready to stay warm and survive until Spring, then, October will remind a person to quickly re-think and prepare to survive Winter.

Darkness Days

In Leyte, in the Republic of the Philippines, it is still hot and the sun still shines in October. However, the days are shorter. In rural southwest Missouri, in October, by 4 p.m., the darkness of night is usually settled and not just approaching. In Leyte, in the Republic of the Philippines, 4 p.m., brings the darkness of night and not just approaching twilight.

Ancient farmers may not have understood the physical laws of Nature in their worlds, but, October and sutumn had the respect of the inevitable approach of “The Unknown.” Thus, “October The Month Of The Supernatural” can be respected, honored and observed as “October Month Of The Unknown.”

Hallowed Halloween

The crowning moment of the royalty of October is always Halloween. The day and night when men, women and children the world over can face their worst fears and hope to see the rising sun of November 1.

The importance of the month of October really cannot be overstated because it is the 31 Days, when citizens of the world allow themselves to face or, at least, think about their “worst fears.”

Halloween is the Global Celebration Time that encourages people to find a positive way to deal,with a year, or a lifetime of negative feelings and cast out their internal demons.

I love my birth month. I love October.

Ancestor Worship

Ancestor Worship is not a popular religious practice in The West. However, without those battalions of ancestors, who lived their lives and made their decisions, you would not being reading this article and thinking about your life.

While you may not choose to worship your ancestors, it might be nice to do some research and perhaps uncover the lives they led that set the stage for you to stand center stage in your life.

If any of your ancestors stand out that you find interesting or you respect, then, it might be a polite gesture to offer up to the Universe a prayer to honor their soul and life.

Welcome To October.

Open The Door To The Supernatural ?

Welcome to the days and nights, when you should feel free to relate to, understand and study Supernatural and Paranormal areas of Life.

Research and read about supernatural topics. Watch TV shows and movies about the paranormal. At the end of this article, I offer links to information that the World-At-Large only seems to appreciate in October.

If you are a curious person, then, the October Supernatural Subject Links should help to make your October interesting.

I do not have a Message Board or Discussion Forum. If you wish to address some of the topics that I have suggested research into in the Links section, then, please, post a comment to this page and I will reply at the first opportunity.

Learn about your Fears. Perhaps, you will learn to laugh at them.

Now, the fun begins.


October Supernatural Subjects Links


Sacred Magick.Com The Esoteric Library

SEX Magick

Enochian Magick

Chaos Magick

Celtic Magick






Samuel Mathers

Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn



Madame Helena Blavatsky – Theosophy

Dion Fortune

Israel Regardie

Aleister Crowley

Gerald Gardner

General Albert Pike

Dr. John Dee


Sydney Omarr

Evangeline Adams

Linda Goodman

America’s Original Supernatural Reporter”

Jess Stearn


Extra Sensory Perception




Edgar Cayce

John Edward

Ghosts – Haints – Multo

Ed and Lorraine Warren

Magick Religions



New Orleans Voodoo

Marie Laveau



Harry Houdini

American Stage Magician and Investigator of Spirit Mediums


New Age Concepts

New Age Movement

Near Death Experiences

Dr. Raymond Moody

Walk In

Ancient Astronauts

Erich von Daniken

Unidentified Fying Objects

Project Blue Book

Roswell, New Mexico UFO Incident

Ocean Mysteries

Bermuda Triangle

Dragon’s Triangle – Devil’s Sea

Mystery Zone in The Pacific Ocean

Publisher of Supernatural, Paranormal, Metaphysical, Astrology, New Age, Spiritual and Relgious Books

Llewellyn Worldwide

October Creature Features

Halloween The Movies – Michael Myers

Friday The 13th Movies – Jason Vorhees

A Nightmare On Elm Street The Movies – Freddy Krueger

American Horror Novelist – Edgar Allen Poe

Vincent Price


Bram Stoker

Bella Lugosi


Mary Shelley

Boris Karloff

Legendary American Horror Directors

John Carpenter

Wes Craven


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Written by samwarren55

October 7, 2012 at 8:33 PM

Posted in Bloggers, Blogs, Current Events, Editorial, Family, Holidays, Observances

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