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I Envy United States Army General Douglas MacArthur Editorial

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I Envy

United States



Douglas MacArthur


United States Army

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur

Promoted to "Five-Star" rank , December 18, 1944. Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area. U. S. Army Signal Corps Photograph.

by Samuel E. Warren Jr.


World War I , in the 20th Century, taught the Citizens Of The World that War is Hell On Earth and no nation or person is “neutral.” World War I proved that War had evolved from nations with disagreements to a force that engulfs the world in a matter of days or hours.


World War II, in the 20th Century, taught the Citizens Of The World, Hell On Earth is always just aMV5BMTkzMDQxNzEyMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjcxMTAyMQ@@._V1._SX333_SY475_ heartbeat away.


The DVD cover shows Actor Gregory Peck in the role of General Douglas

MacArthur in the 1977 movie, “Mac Arthur.”

World War II divided the nations of the world into Us versus Them. World War II confirmed that any War, like fire, can quickly spread and engulf nations in a global holocaust that consumes everything in it’s path.








World War II’s Gift: The A Bomb is the constant reminder that when nations do not deal with issues, then, a violent force will always wait in the wings to settle those issues.


The A Bomb and nuclear weapons are not the threat – they are the reminder that when War becomes a global inferno, then, an Armageddon event is needed to end the War.


Every generation forgets or fails to learn : “The Eternal Lesson Of War is Hell On Earth demands you to find the courage to survive the death and destruction around you to survive and live your life.”




The U.S. Army’s Philippine Scouts

These were General Douglas MacArthur’s soldiers—the guys who fought America’s first battle of World War II. The Philippine Division. Probably the best trained and possibly the best prepared U.S. Army division at the outset of the war.”

Quote is the lead paragraph for the story on

The U.S. Army website



Shoulder sleeve insignia of the United States Army’s Philippine Division, 12th Infantry Division. The head of the water buffalo symbolizes the Philippines. The colors red and gold represent the island’s Spanish colonial roots.




In my lifetime, there has hardly been a day, when I did not pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio or TV or log on to the Internet to read about, yet, another – War.


War is eternal.


War is inevitable.


War is a major event of Human Life.


When The Citizens Of The World forget or ignore The Lessons Of War, then, the next War is only mere seconds away.


The Korean War happened too quickly after World War II for people to understand that World War II was the global event that should of taught The Citizens Of The World that War can be “The Extinction Event For Human Life.”


I admire the American Generals And Admirals of World War II because they knew there had to be a way to quickly end the global pain and suffering. Those military leaders and their troops fought to find a way.


I salute General Eisenhower, General Patton, General MacArthur, all the Allies military commanders and troops for the courage it took for them to wage the battles and campaigns needed to end World War II.


October 20, 2012 was the 68th Anniversary of the Leyte Landing. October 20, 1944, United States General of The Army Douglas MacArthur and Filipino leaders waded ashore at Palo, Leyte, near Tacloban City, Republic of the Philippines to begin the Liberation Of The Philippines.


Meanwhile, the Allies forces were gearing up in the waters of the Pacific for The Battle Of Leyte Gulf, which would become, “The Greatest Naval Battle In The History Of Global Naval Warfare,” in terms of the men, munitions, planes, bombs and ships available to be used to fight a battle at sea.


To date, “The Battle Of Leyte Gulf Is The Largest Naval Battle In The History Of The World.” The battle raged in the waters off the Philippine islands of Leyte and Samar from October 23 through October 26, 1944.


I have always envied General MacArthur because he kept his promise and set free a Pacific nation from the grip of a sadistic tyrant – Emperor Hirohito.






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Nikon D 100 Photos by Samuel E. Warren Jr.

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World War II Battle Of Leyte Gulf Links



  Leyte Samar Daily Express


The 68th Leyte Gulf Landing Anniversary:

A Celebration of Victory

Tourism office calls on Leyteños to set up wartime museum


Battle Of Leyte Gulf


US Army Center Of Military History Battle Of Leyte Gulf

The U.S. Army’s Philippine Scouts

Philippine Scouts Heritage Society

Forgotten Soldiers’ – The Philippine Scouts


US Navy – Naval History And Heritage Command


US Marine Corps History Division


US Coast Guard Historian’s Office Battle Of Leyte Gulf


U.S. Merchant Marine in World War II

US Navy Ship – USS Leyte Gulf (CG-55)

World War 2 Facts

Information and Facts on the Great War

Battle of Leyte Gulf

Ahoy – Mac’s Web Log

Naval, Maritime, Australian History and more

Mackenzie J Gregory

Military History Online.Com

The Battle for Leyte Gulf Revisited
by Irwin J. Kappes

Mabuhay Tacloban City

Monument To The Filipino Soldier












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