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Pearl Harbor Attack

71st Anniversary Editorial

The Government of Japan has never accepted “Responsibility”

Burn In Hell,

Emperor Hirohito !


Asia’s Terrorist Godfather

Emperor Hirohito


Emperor Hirohito in military uniform does not look like “A Man Of Peace.” He wasn’t. In the invasion of Manchuria, in the years before World War II, he did nothing to stop the policy of “Three Alls: Kill All, Loot All and Burn All.” The Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin would sign “Death Warrants” before going to bed, Stalin is estimated to have killed 20 million people. Hirohito was reported to have been aware of the chemical and biological testing on the Allies Prisoners Of War and did nothing to stop it. Public Domain Photo

by Samuel E. Warren Jr.

Sunday, December 7,1941 at Pearl Harbor Hawaii, 2,390 Americans were slaughtered in their sleep as well as those sitting down to breakfast at the chow hall at 7:55 am.

The Japanese Attack On Pearl Harbor brought the United States into World War II the following day.

World War II is the deadliest conflict in all of human history. World War II lasted six years and one day.

After the War, The Nations Of The World lined up and made sure Germany was severely punished for their actions that led to the War.

The Government Of Japan got a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” and, instead of, being punished the nation was rebuilt.

The sick irony of the perverted form of global justice is The Government Of Japan never had to “Accept Responsibility For Their Role In Starting World War II In Asia.”

Nations Of The World recognize Adolf Hitler as “The Madman Who Started World War II.” During World War II, Americans and the Allies recognized Emperor Hirohito as “The Madman Who Brought World War II To The Pacific.”

After the War, Adolf Hitler goes into the history books as “The Madman” and Emperor Hirohito goes into the history books as. . .”A Victim Of The Big, Bad, Evil, Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy.”

The dog and pony show fairy tale sold to world citizens and global history is Japan was a “militaristic society” with the poor, little emperor being held hostage of the “terrorists’ military.”

Horsefeathers !

Japan was not the Klingon Empire.

Upon the death of his grandfather, Emperor Hirohito received a formal commission in the Imperial Army and in the Imperial Navy.



Propaganda Publicity Photography Pose

Emperor Hirohito on horseback. If you win the War, then, you release the photographs of the esteemed leader in military uniform on the white horse to show he is in command. If you lose the War, your propaganda people are suppose to destroy these photographs. Looks like the propaganda people with their matches and kerosene missed a photograph. Public Domain Photo.


The Kid Gets Tanks And Battleships


Young Emperor Hirohito was “Officially On Duty” as a second lieutenant and an ensign. Hirohito not only technically “served in the military”, but, he was in charge of “The System” that brought World War II to the Pacific.


Hirohito had a commission as an officer, which meant when he gave a military order it had to be followed whether it was launching the battleship Yamamoto or grabbing wooden swords and dancing around the palace grounds “playing War.”


By age 12, Prince Hirohito, the future Emperor had his own Army and Navy to play with. Where in the world does a 12-year-old boy get a standing army that will grow to 300,000 men and the third largest navy in the world ?


Answer: Japan.


In Japan, The Constitution of 1889 defined the Emperor as Head of State and the Generalissimo of the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces. While Hirohito held military rank in both the army and the navy, he was also “The Boss,” which means, in a figurative sense, “he signs the paychecks”, and in a very real sense,he would decide which officers rose in rank and which ones left the military.


Instead of being “a hostage of evil military leaders” Emperor Hirohito was the “terrorist Godfather of the Japanese military.” He called the shots and the military leaders saluted smartly and carried out his orders.


Emperor Hirohito’s Government is credited from the invasion of China in 1937 to the end of World War II with the deaths of between 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 people.


The nationalities of the victims include Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, Indo-Chinese and the Allies’ Prisoners Of War, according to figures compiled by R.J. Rummel, who calculates, the Japanese murdered nearly one out of every one-hundred people living in territory controlled by Japan.


Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied


Friday, December 7, 2012 – Today is the 71st Anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. World War II is over.


Why is it important for the Government Of Japan to “accept responsibility” for starting World War II in the Pacific ?”


Answer Terrorist nations are supposed to be held accountable for their actions.


The Nations Of The World identified Syria as “a terrorist state” because in the 1970s and 1980s terrorists would find “safe haven” in Syria.

General Tojo_Prime Minister Of  JAPAN AND OFFICIAL SCAPEGOATCROPPED_resized


The Official Scapegoat Of Japan

General Hideki Tojo

Every War in history needs an “Official Scapegoat.” When a nation loses a War, someone has to be, “The Villian.” Human nature demands that people be able to associate death, misery and suffering with “The Person Responsible.” The Allies chose not to put Emperor Hirohito and members of the Imperial Family on trial. Unfortunately, for General Tojo, he was the World War II Prime Minister Of Japan. He was high enough up the “food chain” that he could be executed. Shed No Tears For Tojo.  The documented and reported War Crimes of Japanese soldiers, during World World II, makes it seem the majority of soldiers and sailors were psychotic, sadistic criminals more like Al-Qaeda terrorists in Halloween costumes than professionally trained military professionals. Public Domain Photo.

The Economic Embargo Option


When the nations of the world get together and enact economic embargoes it sends a message that there are some acts of sovereign nations that the other nations of the world will not stand.


When necessary, nations then mobilize their armies to “Close The Borders,” the navies sail to setup “Naval Blockades” and nations activate their air forces to establish a “No Fly Zone.”


Emperor Hirohito basically got away with being one of the biggest “War Criminals Of The World.”


Osama bin Laden became “The Global Godfather Of Terrorism” with the attacks on The World Trade Centers. But, global justice sought him out and held him accountable for his acts.


Hirohito got away with his “global terrorism”, apparently, because he was born into a royal family and people don’t want to think of their aristocrats as terrorists in the shadows.


Osama bin Laden had the Al Qaeda fanatics at his disposal. Hirohito had a complete “subservient culture” of millions of people at his disposal.


Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorists’ organizations have to rely on brainwashed half-wits to be crazy enough to strap on a bomb and become a “suicide bomber.”


Hirohito simply gave the order and people slipped into the cockpits of Kamikazes The sacrificed pilots, then, had the canopy shut and locked. The pilot essentially sat on top of hundreds of sticks of TNT. The aircraft had no landing gear.

Every mission was a suicide mission for a Kamikaze pilot.


By the battle of Leyte Gulf, Emperor Hirohito, the terrorist, was running out of options, supplies and he had to be showing a serious shortage of manpower. Nonetheless, Japan’s “suicide bombers” wasted their lives for an aristocratic terrorist.


The Diplomatic Snub


Historical sources point out that on at least two occasions “hat in hand” Emperor Hirohito “supposedly went to apologize” for Japan’s actions in World War II to the office of General MacArthur.


Both times, General MacArthur, was unavailable. The importance of this “Diplomatic Snub” is General MacArthur denied Hirohito the public opportunity to “Save Face.”


The Act Of “Saving Face”


In Asian countries, the act of “Saving Face” is “accepting responsibility” for your actions. In my experiences in Asian cultures, “The Act Of Saving Face” seems to be an important public and social custom in all Asian countries.


In Japan, the custom can be taken to the extreme. In the mid-80s, when I was stationed in Okinawa, a story in a Japanese newspaper told of the elderly Japanese rice farmer and his wife, who had lost their home and their farm. They went out across the field and laid down on the railroad tracks.


In a few moments, the daily “bullet train” to Tokyo solved all their financial and retirement problems in an instant.


Americans would call the act, “suicide”, in Japan, the action was considered, “Saving Face.” The farmer and his wife had lost everything and rather than be criticized, pitied, made fun of, or held up to ridicule, the homeless, penniless couple committed a modern day act of Hart-Kari.


When General MacArthur did not allow Emperor Hirohito to “Save Face”, the general was essentially saying, “The Allies Are Not Ready To Let You Off The Hook For World War II.”


The action to snub Hirohito was important because if other world leaders and nations of World War II wanted to seek formal and diplomatic action against Hirohito and Japan, then, Hirohito and the royal household could not point to the “Save Face” act and claim it had already been done.


The News Cameras Of The World


General MacArthur was a wise leader who understood politics and public relations. He got one of the biggest battleships in the United States Navy to set up the “Formal Surrender Ceremony” aboard the USS Missouri, so that the global news media could document the history making event seven ways on Sunday.


The general understood in his position he was a military leader and not a political or government leader and before such an event could take place he would have had to touched base with the government leaders of the nations of the Allies.


General MacArthur and President Harry S. Truman, a World War I veteran, had their differences on Asian policies. If the general had allowed Hirohito to do the “Save Face” gesture in his office, President Truman, no doubt, would of probably considered the act “grandstanding” by the general to “put one over on the president.”


General MacArthur, a media aware leader, was smart enough not to allow the short terrorist to “weasel out” of formal responsibility for World War II in the Pacific over a cup of coffee and a bowl of noodles in the general’s office.


No doubt, General MacArthur knew he had kept Hirohito and the Imperial Family from a date with the gallows. While the general had saved Hirohito’s life he didn’t have to entertain him like “a drinking buddy” or treat him like a friend.


The snub also kept “the emperor in his place.” After the War, the Allies’ occupation forces were in charge of “nation building in Japan.” The emperor served as “a global tourist attraction” his role was to be “The Face In Place For Japan.”


Bad Broadcaster

Tokyo Rose”

Iva Toguri d’ Aquino is a woman accused of being one of the infamous “on-air” propaganda broadcasters of Emperor Hirohito. She was sent to prison for her suspected role. Public Domain Photo.


The Cost Of Blood And Treasure To The Nations Of The Pacific For World War II was an issue General MacArthur choose to leave to the leaders of those nations.


General MaArthur may have expected other nations in the future to seek some type of formal, financial and diplomatic acknowledgment from Japan through the appropriate official channels.


After 71 years, the responsibility for World War II in the Pacific needs to be accepted formally by The Government Of Japan.


Germany and other nations were punished for their role in World War II. The War involved most of the countries of the world. The copied Wikipedia table below shows the tabulated loss of life from World War II.


Casualties and losses

Military dead:
Over 16,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 45,000,000
Total dead:
Over 61,000,000

Military dead:
Over 8,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 4,000,000
Total dead:
Over 12,000,000

The European Madman Adolf Hitler thought he would change the world; he did, but, not as he had intended.


The Japanese Madman Emperor Hirohito, basically, thought he would make Japan the dominant Asian Power Of The Pacific. He didn’t, but, Japan’s ability to ignore responsibility for the War did allow the “nation-building” exercise to get up and running quickly.


The Government Of Japan is not “On The Public Record” for “Accepting Responsibility For World War II In The Pacific.”


The Government Of Japan is on the public record for recognizing Emperor Hirohito as “The Shining Emperor.”


Imagine The Nobel Peace Prize Committee selecting to award a peace prize posthumously to Al Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden. . . Not likely. However, Japan recognizes Hirohito, one of the most psychotic and sadistic terrorist of the 20th Century as “The Shining Emperor.”


The 71st Anniversary of the Attack On Pearl Harbor seems like an appropriate time for The Nations Of The World to “Demand” the Government Of Japan “accept responsibility” for World War II In The Pacific.


The Nations Of The World have been more than generous to The Government Of Japan, For more than 70 years, none of the nations have “pressed” Japan for any type of formal statement, apology or admission for the national campaign of unbridled terrorism during World War II.


Economic Advantage


Beginning around 1960, less than 20 years after The End Of World War II, Japan’s entered the electronics market selling radios and TVs. By the 1980s, Japan not only had a stable economy, but actively sought overseas investments. While citizens deserve credit for their hard work, had the Nations Of The World been more inclined to seek retribution for war crimes, Japan would not have risen as quickly from the ashes of defeat.


When The Crimes Of History Go Without Punishment Or A Formal End then The Nations Of The World are just stepping back to allow someone to lay the foundation for the next War.


Accept Or Reject


The Government Of Japan should admit their role in World War II. The formal act then would be an opportunity for The Nations Of The World to “accept” or “reject” the action. After 71 years – The Time Has Come To Accept Responsibility. If not today; when ?


World War II destroyed lives and laid to waste the infrastructure of nations. In Asia, it took more than 20 years for some of the countries destroyed by Japan’s attacks to begin to rebuild.


Defense Budget Tax Break


The Allies allowed Japan to keep their royal family. The Allies decision to reorganize and restructure Japan’s military actually helped Japan avoid the costly defense budgets of other nations, especially during the intense Cold War years,which provided more revenue for Japan to use in other areas of their economy.


While The Allies definitely “punished” Germany for their role in World War II, Japan “skated out” on accepting any of the responsibility for their role to inflame half the world in a global war. Obviously, Emperor Hirohito was a better terrorist mastermind than Osama bin Laden.


Social Media Global Justice Campaign

Time To Pay The Fiddler”


FEED ICON BUTTON_resizedToday should be the day, when The Citizens Of The World   use their social media resources to start the campaign to persuade a government to admit a former leader was a global “war criminal” who carried out crimes against humanity with no remorse. 


Facebook time ! Time to Twitter tweet ! Reach out to your friends and relatives through all your social media sources and encourage “The Government Of Japan ‘To Do The Right Thing” and publicly accept their role.”



It has been more than 70 years, but: “Did you have a grandfather, father,uncle, aunt, sister, brother, mother or other relative die at the hands of Japan in World War II ?”


Is it just that the Government Of Japan Never Accepted Responsibility For Their Decision To Bring World War II To The Pacific ?”

Are the Citizens Of The World willing to use their Social Media devices to express their opinions to The Government Of Japan ?”

A terrorist is a terrorist. Osama bin Laden was the son of a rich man, but Justice still found bin Laden.


Hirohito was a member or royalty. Apparently, “aristocratic birthright” protects a “war criminal” and a “terrorist” from justice in The Real World.


Emperor Hirohito

20th Century Global Terrorist  

Born: April 29, 1901
Tokyo, Japan

Died: January 7, 1989
Tokyo, Japan

Burn In Hell, Scumbag !”


Perhaps, a curse can transcend the boundaries of Time and Space into The Afterlife,”Burn In Hell, Emperor Hirohito !”






The Rules Of War

The Geneva Convention of 1949

International Committee Of The Red Cross


War Criminals Watch

Hirohito –


The Government Of Japan

Prime Minister Of Japan








This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Written by samwarren55

December 7, 2012 at 3:00 PM

Posted in Bloggers, Blogs, Business, Current Events, Editorial, Holidays, Money, Observances, Opinion

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