Sam I Am Blog

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Land: True Wealth by Samuel E. Warren Jr,

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New Year, New Priorities – Land









Blue Diamond

This large blue diamond made of glass came out of the Crater of Diamonds State Park Gift Shop in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. The Crater of Diamonds is one of the few diamond mines in the world that allows members of the public to try an dig a diamond out of the Land. Photo by Samuel E. Warren Jr.

by Samuel E. Warren Jr.

If the Land outside your window is hidden under a deep blanket of snow, then, January is not the time you will think about Land.


If monsoon rain is falling heavy outside your window and a gully of water is standing in your yard, then, January is not the time you will think of Land.  January Monsoon Rain_resized


This January 2013 Monsoon Rain Shower drips off my roof in the Philippines.

Land should be a subject that is taught in every school on planet earth. Real Estate should always be the Ultimate Business Of Planet Earth.


After all, property taxes pay for public schools from teacher’s salaries to the number of softballs stored in the gymnasium.


Real Estate should always be the “Ultimate Business Of Planet Earth” because there is only a definite amount of Land on the planet. Wars are waged for the control and ownership of Land.


The availability of Land determines where a school will be built and whether it will sprawl out along the horizon or rise upward into the sky.


The availability of a parcel of real estate will determine if it can be used for mining,farming, housing or a business.


There are no real estate offices in the Arctic and the Antarctic because the weather and environment keep the Land as giant ice cubes.


The world’s large deserts, the Sahara, Gobi and Mojave, are “wasted space” due to the extreme temperatures, but, people still try to live and thrive in these giant “Kitty Litter Boxes.”


Wars are fought for Land and the outcome decides if a student will learn his ancestor’s native customs and languages or if the child will have to learn a completely different language, culture and history.


Land is the greatest source of “True Wealth” in the world.


Food in the form of grain, vegetables, fruit and livestock all rely on Land.


Diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, opals and other precious gemstones and minerals are mined out of the Land.


Natural gas to heat your homes and schools comes out of the Land. Petroleum refined out of the Land is the fuel and lubricant for aircraft, ships and automobiles.


Late December and early January is a perfect time to think about Land. Severe winter weather in one part of the world will reveal where the snow drifts on the Land.


In another part of the world, severe winter weather will reveal Land that floods and Land where water stands.


Earth is a living planet. Plant a seed in the soil and the seed grows.


Over time, Earth decides to shift and change a section of terrain and the result is Landslides, earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. Land changes over time.



Life’s Land Lottery


Land is crucial to human and animal Life.


Fate allows you to be born into a family, who lives on a certain piece of Land at a certain place on the planet. Your childhood will be full of stories of how you learned to live with the weather and Land.


In Life, at some point, you may decide to travel and visit other Land, close to your home or oceans away. The weather and terrain of that Land will have an effect on you as you learn to play “Life’s Land Lottery.”


Face it. You need Land to farm to raise livestock and crops to feed people. You need Land to build homes for people to live in and buildings for people to work in. And, of course, oil, minerals and precious gemstones come from Land.


Research a parcel of Land anywhere on the planet and you will discover through the years it has been fertilized by “blood.” People throughout history have fought and died for Land.


Battlefields, Boardrooms, Banks – Land Lovers


Whether the War For Land is waged on a battlefield, in a boardroom, in a bank, in a lawyer’s office, or in court, Land is “True Wealth.”


Land does not physically disappear in virtual “Enron schemes” and “electronic percentage points from day to day.”


You can stand on a piece of Land and hunker down and rub the soil between your fingers.


In Life’s Land Lottery, if you reach down and pick up a handful of dirt, then, look at the soil. Is it dark, black soil rich in vegetable matter ? Is it old red clay that sticks to and stains your fingers ?


Do tiny pebbles that fall out of the soil ? Or are you standing there with dusty, gray soil that vanishes in a breeze like cigarette smoke and you are left holding dusty sharp flint rocks in your hand ?


The geography and topography of planet Earth is exciting, but, modern man in his mundane early 21st Century virtual electronic existence has gotten to the point that Land seems to be the asphalt surface you park your car on.


Mankind believes that humans can control Land. Wrong.


Drive by an abandoned office building. If you have the chance to park and walk past an out of business building like an old gas station, notice how Mother Nature has already began her “foreclosure” procedure as the weeds and tall grass returns.


Nature has it’s own “Redistribution Of Wealth” procedures to begin to reclaim abandoned and unused Land. Step back and ask yourself, “Where did the Land and Water of planet Earth come from ?”


Boom, Boom Babylon


As a child, in school, I was taught “The Big Bang Theory.” I never bought into it.


The Big Bang Theory suggests God threw a grenade and the shrapnel became the planets and the solar system.


Who or What was God throwing a grenade at ?


God And The GTO


Another theory of life suggests, basically: Spontaneous Combustion.


Imagine. God on his back on the board-like device with the small wheels that you ease under an automobile. God is under his GTO tightening bolts and checking out the suspension.


Even The Creator Of The Universe knows Preventive Maintenance will make your automobile last longer and run smoother. Besides, God knows His GTO is a “Babe Magnet.”


After a morning of working on His “Goat”, He rolls out from under His pristine, precision GTO.


God grins at His GTO. He is proud of His wrench and ratchet work.


God stretches his masculine physique in the athletic white muscle T shirt and glances at his six pack abs in the shop mirror. He decides He needs to change His T-shirt and denim jeans before His date.


God puts His wrenches back in the drawers of His standing red tool chest. He check out His hair in the shop mirror and runs His fingers through it. His whiff of honest sweat reminds Him it is time to grab a shower, before His date.


God wipes the grease off His cheek on to the traditional pink shop rag.


He glances up at the garage clock and wipes the oil and grease off of His hands on to the shop rag. He tosses the rag in the corner. The rag lands on top of the plastic barrel full of other oily rags.


God steps out of the garage and into the house to get ready for His date. Tick tock and minutes on the shop clock pass.


Suddenly, Whoosh !


The oily rags smolder and burst into flames.


The spontaneous combustion creates Life.


The Creator Of The Universe does all the meticulous research to Create Life. Then, because God has a “Hot Date”, He just sluffs off Creation – and let’s Life “Spontaneously Com bust” into planets, galaxies and humans.


I ain’t buying the “Spontaneous Combustion” theory of Life.


Earth’s Day One


If you are looking for a “scientific”, “In The Beginning”, theory of “How Life Began?”, the explanations still seems like scientists, archaeologists and other experts are still trying to “shoehorn” mathematical equations into fairy tales.


Scientists still have different theories, but, they still seem to be scratching their heads for a theory that seems rationale.


Land is a vital component of human Life and the working answers of “Where It All Began” and “How It All Came About” is still a hodge podge of “best guesses.”


The Mother Of All Cities



I decided to find out at least if Sumer was still the oldest civilization like I had been taught in grade school.


Tradition and the religious world still suggests that “Human Life” began around the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates river.


You need water for Life to cook, bathe, shower, wash, to sail ships for travel and to transport cargo; so it is logical that Life would of began around a body of water.


However, there are many oceans and large rivers in the world.


The Mesopotamia idea may simply be that these humans learned to write and document their civilization before other humans.


It seems logical that a Universal Force ready to start Life on planet earth would have had more than one location in mind to try to “seed the human race.”


Sumer, apparently remains the best known of the ancient civilizations, but, scientists and archaeologists are also considering that humans might have been “born” at other locations on the planet at about the same time.


I discovered archaeologists are looking for “A Mother Of All Cities.”


The overall theory of the Super City is it seems scientists and archaeologists are trying to find the “Ancient New York City”.


A city that served as the global subway, rail-yard, airport, and seaport. The Super City would have been the ultimate Global Travel Agency that allowed the ancients to leave from the initial starting point to travel throughout the ancient world.


Of course, the Super City theory assumed that the city would be a “Fort Apache Complex” with high walls, battlements and defensive systems to protect the inhabitants.


An Indus Valley location and The Lost Pyramids of Caral both look like either of these cities could of been “The Mother Of All Cities.”


Scientists and archaeologists seemed surprised to find those two locations seemed more like “Five Star Hotels” or “1960s Hippie Communes” by their “utopian” facilities and their lack of traditional defensive systems.




Uncle Sam In Mammoth Skin ?


I remember the Christopher Columbus and Lief Erickson stories from grade school.


One quirk of social studies that bugged me as a kid and now as an adult is while civilizations were supposedly coming to life in Africa, China and different places around the globe, one of the largest Land masses of the planet, essentially sits “vacant.”


The huge island called the United States of America that sits between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.


While the ancient peoples of earth are inhabiting other land masses and islands, this huge piece of real estate just remains uninhabited on the globe.


Granted, there was the old “Sail Off The Edge Of The Square World Fear” and there were “The Sea Serpent Stories” of giant sea monsters in the uncharted waters, but human nature shows that greed finds a way to deal with fear.


Daring, Dynamic Dove


Humankind has always had a “Global Dumb Luck Factor.”


The story of “The Flood” tells that a dove found “the dry Land.”


Set aside the religious aspect of the story, for a moment, and consider the size of the planet. The diameter of the earth at the equator is 7,926.41 miles (12,756.32 kilometers).


How long and how far would the bird have to fly to reach dry Land ?


The bird takes off into the sky and there are 360 degrees that the bird can fly. Without a compass, sextant or Global Positioning System in place, the dove finds dry Land ?


Even independent of a religious theme; what are the odds that a dove could find dry Land on a Flooded World ?


The radius of earth at the poles is 3,950 miles. The surface area of the earth is 196,939,900 miles. It seems astronomical that a dove could find dry Land.


Humankind’s Dumb Luck Factor


The majority of the ancient world is being populated with people. Alexander The Great conquers “The Known World.” Rome rises into an empire. Rome deploys her military legions around the planet.


Meanwhile, the huge Land mass of the USA is suppose to be just sitting on the globe untouched. The 2.3 billion acres of the Good Ole USA, occupies a major portion of the planet. The Creation Force Of The Universe, called God, just decides, “I’m going to keep this real estate in reserve for future generations.”


Perhaps, God decides, “Let’s see which of these humans are smart enough to circumnavigate the globe and discover this large land mass ?”

World history proves human nature is greedy and selfish. If any of the ancient races suspected there was a major chunk of real estate that had not been “claimed” then they would of set sail in a heartbeat.


Once Columbus’ discovery became common knowledge, other nations began upgrading their navies and putting out to sea. English, Dutch, French and Spanish all set sail for the New World with their flags, settlers and a sizable military contingent.


The greed, conquest and expansion of the ancient empires and civilizations of The Known World would not have knowing overlooked the 2.3 billion acres of US real estate that sits unused and undiscovered until 1492 ?


Humankind’s Dumb Luck Factor should of come into play at some point from Year Zero until 1492.


It is unbelievable that from Year Zero until 1492 a shipwreck survivor did not wash up on to the shores of The East Coast, The West Coast, or The Gulf Of Mexico.


Humankind’s Dumb Luck Factor should of at some point blew a ship off course into the United States.


At some point from Year Zero until 1492, at least one captain would of made a human error in chart computation. At least one captain would of accidentally misread the compass or sextant.


What are the chances that from Year Zero until 1492 that the captains and sailors of The Seven Seas never accidentally “ran aground” on the shores of the United States?


The archeology of the world seems to want to suggests that Uncle Sam, wears his mammoth skin, sits in his cave gnaws on a dinosaur bone and patiently waits to be discovered.


Horsefeathers !


The Rainbow Bridge


In grade school, we were taught people came over a “Land Bridge” to spread out over the good ole USA.


What are the chances an ancient race of humans, out for a Sunday afternoon stroll stumble upon a natural version of The Golden Gate Bridge?


Imagine a cave man, Grog, and his cave girl friend,Wowha, are sitting on a rock staring at the horizon.


He wants to bonk her on the head and drag her by her hair to his cave. However, Grog’s mother tells him the old barbarian ways are not always the best.


Thus, poor Grog, the cave man has to sit on the rock and grunt at his girl friend. Wowah. She sits on the same big rock and stares at the horizon. A rainbow appears and they both notice the broken ground on the horizon rises up.


They gesture and point at one another. They grunt and jump up and down.


Wowah ! Look ! Wide rock !”


Grog ! It is a bridge !”


She moves toward the rainbow and the bridge on the horizon. Grog still hasn’t got the hang of walking upright, so he apes along behind her.


He grunts, pats his head and rubs his stomach. Wowah shakes her head. “You always hungry. First, we cross bridge.”


Grog stares at the wide rock and Wowah is half way across the land bridge. Grog grabs his club and grunts, “Hungee. I need mammoth steak.”


Wowah stands on the other side. Grog apes on across the land bridge.


Wowah nods. “I like it here.”


She steps off to the left.


Wait ! Where you go ?”


She shrugs at Grog. “I’m staying. I’m going to find me a cave.”


He starts to ape after her. “Where are you going,” Wowah grunts ?


With you,” grunts Grog and points.


Wowah shakes her head No. “Find your own cave.”


Grog sits down and scratches his head. Then, he looks around and Wowah is gone. He scratches his head, rises and drags his big club behind him. He doesn’t cross back over the bridge. He apes past it.


Got ta’ find Mammoth. Hungee.”


I thought “The Land Bridge” was a dumb idea as a kid. As an adult it still sounds like a dumb idea.


Alien Astronauts ?


In a massive cosmos, it seems hard to believe that the academic community can’t at least consider that an extraterrestrial race did their version of a “Lunar Landing” on earth. Perhaps, they just planted a flag and took off for another destination.


Then, again, maybe ancient America was a celestial rail yard, where alien ships and vessels from other planets arrived to use the planet for “Rest And Recreation,” as in “Shore Leave.”


Alien astronauts could of used earth as a ship building or repair facility. They might even of used earth as a resupply point in their exploration of the galaxy.


Earthlings like Ezekiel might of caused the alien astronauts to rethink using America and the rest of earth as a base of operations.


Perhaps, the ET astronauts just forward deployed their exploration and commerce forces deeper into the cosmos and no longer had a need for earth as a base of operations.


Earthlings went to the moon in 1969. The earthlings didn’t build a base of operations on the moon. Earthling astronauts still plan to travel to Mars and other planets and the moon is not mentioned as a base of operations.

Native Americans and Egyptians

It is interesting to note how ancient Egyptians and some Native American tribes seem to have a similar taste in fashion in the sense of length of hair and a working comfortable climate sensitive wardrobe.


Maybe, Ancient Americans, Egyptians and Native Americans are the descendants of Alien Astronauts ?


At least, that would explain why Native Americans always seemed so much more laid back about Life than other civilizations.


While other civilizations were creating writing, Native Americans were passing on knowledge from one generation to the next by vocal storytelling, rather than writing it down.

Saunter Across The Border

A traditional migration theory suggests people in Central America when they found the time just gradually moved up into Mexico, Texas and got around to eventually strolling around into states like Arkansas and Missouri.


It seems impossible to imagine this huge hunk of real estate called North America just sat uninhabited on the globe while Life was supposedly spreading elsewhere around the globe in large continents like China and Russia and settling on islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


My curiosity got the best of me and I started researching to find out if there are any better theories about Life in Ancient America before Native Americans.


Life in Ancient America seems to remain a mystery.


Who came before the Native Americans ?


Who are the ancestors of the Native Americans ?


The Alien Astronauts shooting “touch and go” flights into and out of Roswell, New Mexico, before the arrival of Native Americans may seem extreme.


However, a Land Bridge across a river over ocean for decades or centuries seems kind of far-fetched, when you consider how quickly an earthquake or a tsunami can change terrain.


Dumb Dumb Doomsday Dudes’ Dance


Scientists and archaeologists are still searching for the clues to complete the puzzle of Life. Meanwhile, the Doomsday Dudes still dance around shouting, “The End Is Near !”


Before a New Year, there are the newspapers, magazines, TV stations and Internet sources that do “The Year In Review” to look back and do “The Predictions” of what to expect in the coming year.


Since The World Didn’t End in 2012, I wondered if the Doomsday Dudes had gotten around to trying to “Freak The World Out” with a new Doomsday Date.


Naturally. Doomsday is too good a story to let go of.


There are too many pessimists in the world to ever let the Doomsday story move to the back burner.


The major religions of the world need the Doomsday story to keep people going to church, mosque and synagogue.


If humanity does not believe that at some point God is going to “drop the hammer” and wipe out the world, then, most humans would never darken the door of their local church.


God The Architect


Consider that the Supreme Universal Intelligent Creation Entity called God took His time and did His homework in creating Life on planet Earth.


God takes the time to decide that the DNA of an earthworm isn’t that different from a human. He took the time to figure out the angle and speed of rotation of the planet.


God takes his slide rule and calculates the position of earth in space and determines that the planet needs an elliptical path and not a circular orbit.


He decides the third position is close enough to receive sunlight to sustain Life without frying it to a crisp like on Mercury or Venus.


My gut tells me God took His time and didn’t really worry about His six-day “Work Week.”


The Universal Supreme Immortal Intellect, called God, takes all this time and effort to calculate and create life. He or She does not overlook the smallest of calculation in the creation of Life and the process to sustain it. As The Supreme Architect, He works out all of these calculations for this planet and then initiates Life.


The Dumb Dumb Doomsday Dudes of planet earth try to convince people that God looks at earth like an old worn out shoe that can simply be tossed in the trash.


Horsefeathers !


Professional Planetary Precision


You are the Supreme Intellect Of The Universe and you take all this time and effort to create a planet with inhabitants to worship you. You design the life support system of the planet.


You design the physical laws and weather systems to allow the planet to recharge and renew itself. You are The Supreme Architect. You aren’t going to crumple up such a prime creation because some human or group of humans cringes under a dark sky.


After 20 Centuries and two devastating World Wars, Spaceship Earth is still rotating through the Universe.


The Dumb Dumb Doomsday Dudes don’t seem to want to grasp the concept that God The Architect built the Earth to last.


Spaceship Earth


Spaceship Earth rotates and moves on an orbit through space. It is a living vessel capable of repairing and replenishing itself.


In January, you take the time to wonder, “Where Did Life Begin ?”


In January, you ponder, “Why people felt it necessary to create civilizations ?”


In January, you consider, “Why are some people so ‘possessed’ with ‘The End Of The World’ ?”


Perhaps, you will never get “concrete” answers to these questions. If you can arrive at a solution that makes sense to your mind, then, you can appreciate the creativity of Life.


Once you realize that the Land of Spaceship Earth is a living vessel, then, you might want to make a note to take up the hobby of Earth Science.


Use the New Year to take a new approach to looking at geography, geology, weather, nature. . .and the Land under your feet.


Land is True Wealth.







Crater of Diamonds State Park
209 State Park Road
Murfreesboro, AR 71958


Mining Wikipedia


Geology Wikipedia


Geography Wikipedia


Agriculture Wikipedia


Real Estate Wikipedia



Smashing Lists Top 10 Theories Of Life On Earth

Live Science Greatest Mysteries: How Did Life Arise On Earth ?

Live Science Countdown: 7 Theories on the Origins of Life

Live Science Countdown: History’s Most Overlooked Mysteries

Blurt It What Is The Oldest Civilization On Earth ?

Wikipedia History Of The World

Wikipedia Civilization

Ancient Civilization Early Humans

Buzzle Oldest Civilization in the World

From Human Prehistory to Early Civilizations

Wikipedia Ancient Astronauts

Wikipedia Chariots of the Gods?

Ancient American Magazine

Ancient America

Ancient America The Mother City The Lost Pyramids Of Caral

Ancient Indian Civilization Native Americans

The Six Mothers Of Native Americans ?

Wikipedia Prediction

The Guardian The Observer

20 Predictions For The Next 25 Years

On The Record Predictions Long Bets

Top 10 (or 12) 2013 Predictions Forbes

The 10 Worst Predictions for 2012 Foreign Policy

The Most Futuristic Predictions That Came True in 2012 io9

List of Dates Predicted For Apocalyptic Events Wikipedia

10 Doomsday Predictions Beyond 2012 The Ultimate Listverse

Rational Wiki

List of Predictions Of The End Of The World

Zodiac Sign Dates

Does Death Exist ? New Theory Says, “No”

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Written by samwarren55

January 17, 2013 at 10:34 PM

Posted in Bloggers, Blogs, Business, Current Events, Ecology, Editorial, Family, God, Opinion

Tagged with , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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  1. excellent put up, very informative. I ponder why the
    other experts of this sector do not understand this. You must continue your writing.
    I’m sure, you have a great readers’ base already!

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